Friday, May 13, 2011

Groundbreaking AOII HOUSE May 1, 2011

May 1st was an exciting day....It was groundbreaking day for the Morgan Hill Sorority Village....What an exciting time for the Knoxville Alumnae Chapter and the Omicron chapter on Tennessee's campus! A great big shout out to Ann Wallace for all her hard work, as well as the omicron building committee! This couldn't have happened without you!

We are still in need of funds!

If you’re one of our sisters who has not yet given, please consider a gift to this campaign – one that will help us make the difference in remaining a campus leader at UT for the long-term, and help other sisters – both present and future – experience all the joys of AOII that we had . . . joys, friendships and experiences that continue to make such an impact on our lives.

Giving is simple. Just go to, where you can download a giving form, which has all of the instructions for making your gift or pledge. Or, you can also call UT directly, (865) 974-2115, and just be sure you make your arrangements with UT where Alpha Omicron Pi is the designee. You can make a significant gift by pledging an amount that you pay over time, in increments that are convenient and manageable for whatever your budget is. Planned giving and bequests are also welcomed. In whatever way you choose to give, please take action . . . do it now. As an alumna, you will be proud of what this house will stand for in representing AOII at UT. But it won’t happen without support. Thanks so much! For more information about donating to the AOII building fund, contact Ann Wallace at 865-584-5813,

Let the building begin!

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