Tuesday, April 13, 2010

AOII Young Alumnae Happy Hour

Thursday, April 15th, will be the FIRST EVER Knoxville Area AOII Young Alumnae Happy Hour! I invite you to join your sisters for a night of catching up and cocktails at Aubrey's off Papermill from 6-9 p.m. We promise all fun and no business. These events are open to all AOII alumna 35 and under, even if you've never attended an Alumnae event before.

We hope to make this a frequent event and possibly add events like cooking classes, wine tasting, and holiday parties (open to suggestions). An invitation is attached. Please forward this or invite any young alumna who may be interested. The more the merrier!

Feel free to contact me for more information or questions. Look forward to seeing you there!

Alpha Love,

Lindsey Howd
AOII Omicron Chapter, PC 2005

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